
CyberPower Intelligent LCD CP1350AVRLCD with not so intelligent software PowerPanel

I purchased the ups CP1350AVRLCD because of the small format, lcd screen and great uptime. My main purpose was watch 2 servers, 1 NAS, one switch and one router. No problem – those could just be plugged in.

Before purchasing I did not look at software. I just *expected* that it has some basic functionality to notify me on email and shut servers down when battery level become lower.

I was wrong. The “Personal Edition” that came with the UPS was only able to beep and shut down one computer. That did not help me. I searched for another application and found the “Business Edition”. I was ready to pay for it but no – after talking to support they told me that that software did not support my UPS. They also told me that I should buy another UPS that supported this software. This did, of course, not help me at all as I had already purchased the product.

Anyway, I was able to start that “Business edition” but I was not impressed with that either.

So, I started to try to communicate with the UPS and finally found a way to get battery level and power status from the UPS. I will now add some email support to that test application and also support to shut down multiple computers.

If you are reading this and would like to have this alternative application then please let me know!


Steve said...


How were you able to start the Business Edition? I have the same situation with Home Server, XP-Based NAS, and Desktop. Wanted to use the agent on Server to shutdown client on other two boxes.
CP850AVRLCD is the model. Have plenty of runtime but plan to shutdown after but 2 minutes of no power.

Henrik said...

Steve, I was able to start the Business Edition - but it did not work. Actually, I called the support and they said only some UPS:s worked with that software

However, I was able to connect with my own application which I will add some features to like:

* shutting down any number of computers
* send an email
* send sms if you have USB sms card

Carl said...


Jag är intresserad av din applikation för att stänga ner flera datorer.
I vilken miljö är den utvecklad?
Finns källkoden tillgänglig?

Carl Gustafsson

Henrik said...

Hej Carl,

det är c# .NET 2.0. Den är väldigt enkel och lyssnar just nu bara på den lokala USB-porten.

Jag har bara lyckats tyda hur många minuter som finns kvar men det kan nog räcka.

Det vore hyffast enkelt att lägga till lite funktion för att stänga ned en eller flera datorer.

Om du är intresserad så skulle jag kunna lägga upp den som open source någonstans. Du kanske även är intresserad av att lägga till funktioner?

mvh Henrik