
pxhelp20.sys, x64 and Sony Picture Utility

My wife wanted to convert some AVCHD videos to a smaller format. I know there are tons of programs for that but I decided to use the free utility that came with our video camera SONY HDR-SR8 - the "Sony Picture Utility".

Everybody knows, that have worked with video that these kinds of tasks take time and CPU. So, I wanted to use some excessive CPU on my Windows 2008 Server - using latest Xeon CPU. This server is 64 bit operating system. I installed the software. It asked me to reboot. Since I only saw pictures and no videos I decided that maybe I had to reboot. By the way, I hate software that requires reboot!

Rebooting..It does not start..Moving a screen to the Server shows that Windows can't start because "pxhelp20.sys is corrupt or missing" - location \Windows\SysWOW64\Drivers\pxhelp20.sys. It seems like this driver is used by a lot of dvd tools and also the Sony Picture Utility. I started my Windows CD for repair but repair did not repair. My only way was through the command prompt. The file was there! I did not have any other 64 bit Windows 2008 so I asked a friend to send me same file for Vista x64. Replaced the file - same error. I was starting to getting nervous because I had a database on that Server that needed to be up and running. As a last option I deleted the file from the command prompt and hey, Windows started.

While this was a success in the end the story does not end here. I quickly noticed that all my cdroms where gone. Even Deamon Tools drives. This was not critical but needs to be solved.

Updated 2009-09-13:

Thanks to Junior-PL I got a solution:

1. Start->Run and open regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM and open key CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
3. There may be a lot of keys with this name but search for one that has (default) value DVD/CD-ROM drives
4. Now, when you have found this one you delete strings "LowFilters" and "UpperFilters" (if existing)
5. Reboot and pray (should work!)


PAP2-T, Gigaset SL780 and change of time

Recently I "updated" my home telephony to IP-telephony. I was installing the Linksys PAP2-T IP telephony adapter together with the new Siemens Gigaset SL780 phone.

Everything worked great except one thing. I noticed, that sometimes the time on the phone was set back 7 hours. Finally, I found that this happened when someone called us. The support at Siemens had no clue - of course..

I had a hunch that the time from the PAP2-T was sent over to the phone which proved to be true. When browsing the web interface of the adapter the timezone was 7 hours off. Changing this and making one call to myself set the time right. I am not the average consumer which leads me to the question:

How in the world are we ever able to move over to new technology when setting the time on a phone requires browsing a telephony adapters web interface and change properties? New technology should be easy to implement!